Easy Dairy-free Berry Ice cream


This is one of the easiest & quickest ice cream recipes I’ve ever come across - and it makes sure you will never ever throw away an over-ripe banana again.

All it takes is that, every time you find a banana turning a little more ripe than you personally like - peel it, break it into a few pieces and pop it into the freezer.

When you are in need of an ice cream, take out a few frozen chunks of banana, pop them in a high powered blender, with a handful of berries and blend.

Instant dairy free ice cream that tastes delicious.

You can play around with all sorts of extras - add a little honey, or some coconut yogurt or coconut milk. Swap the berries for pineapple or mango or passion fruit - whatever takes your fancy.

You could go off on a tangent - omit the berries and add a spoonful of nut butter.

Or mix in some extra goodies after you’ve blended, to add texture and flavour - swirl in some crushed berries, toasted & chipped hazelnuts or chopped dark chocolate

Enjoy! :-)

And send me any versions you particularly love!


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New Year healthy resolutions you actually CAN keep.