Turn back the clock on your health

We’ve all just turned our clocks back - and enjoyed the extra hour last weekend.

But for a lot of people I speak to - both clients and friends - they would love to be able to turn back the clock on their health! To be able to wave a magic wand and stop feeling so many of the effects on our bodies that seem to creep in after we hit 40. Those aches and pains or stiff joints - or the extra weight that doesn’t want to budge. Or just not being able to sleep as deeply or have as much energy…

Now we can’t deny that changes do happen as time goes by. BUT - they DON’T have to have such an effect on your life - and there are lots of small things we can do to turn back the clock

This weeks video will give you some simple steps you can take every day, that will help you look & feel younger and put a little spring back into your step

I’d love to hear what you try and how you get on.


Why willpower isn’t the answer to lasting health


Sunshine Soup